Thursday, October 17, 2019

OSHA Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

OSHA - Term Paper Example This memorandum contains information regarding the effective ways of handling this problem and outlines the most appropriate strategy to be used. The most effective course of action recommended is the execution of laws regarding chemical exposure in the workplace and activation of occupational health and safety programs in different companies. Background Hazards in the workplace have through time affected workers in different industries. These hazards could either be chemical, physical, biological or psychological. For example in the construction industry, statistics show that the rate of fatalities among the construction workers in three times that of all other workers in the US. Construction workers are mainly affected by physical accidents such as falls and inadequacy of proper safety equipment (Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry 18). Even in the availability of safety equipment, the collapse of building due to lack of proper inspection or the f oundations also increases fatalities. Workers in the agricultural sector are commonly affected by biological and chemical hazards. This takes place during the application of pesticides on the plants, due to noise and exposure to the sun excessively. They are also susceptible to physical hazards caused by machinery used in the farm. In America, fatal agricultural injuries are mainly caused by the rolling over of tractors. The rate of accidents in the workplace has increased over the years mainly due to the current use of machinery which easily injures workers. Key Issues to be Addressed One of the major issues to be addressed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is the absence of laws and regulations that ensure thorough inspection of the workplace in order to ensure that they are secure for individuals to work in. For example in the mining industry, inspections done on the land being mined are not enough to ensure that the mining field is not susceptible to fires cau sed by methane production (Mendeloff 58). The lands could also collapse in case of an earthquake and as such many fatalities are caused by such accidents. Equipment in different industries are inspect from time to time. However, the frequency of inspection should be increased to avoid losing more lives and more human capital to accidents in the work place. Another major issue to be addressed is the absence of occupation health and safety programs in different companies. This program is effective in training individuals on how to care for their safety and to avoid accidents in the workplace. Many companies avoid having this program as it involves the hiring of new employees thus increasing the cost of production. In the absence of the program, employees are not made aware of their employment rights and further than that they are not aware of how to act in case of accidents in the workplace. Employees further are not aware of what is expected of them in the work environment in relatio n to their safety and the general safety of the company. Solutions to these Issues A solution to the absence of laws and regulations is to design and enforce policies that address various problems faced by workers in different fields. For example, laws should be passed to ensure that frequent inspections are carried out in different industries depending on the frequency of accidents to take place in the particular area. Inspections

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